ImpACTup! Foundational Course - Students

impACTup!: Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Better Futures

Teaser | impACTup!: Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Better Futures (Online Course)

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28 Feb 2024

Program Information

Open for students from all seniorities, levels, and disciplines
1 semester
Occurrence: Summer and winter semester
Free of charge
Format (e.g., Workshop, Coaching, Mentoring, Lecture, Talk, online/offline)
Digital online course (with kick-off and closing sessions held live in person at LMU)
Type of exam & ECTS points
Seminar thesis and poster; from 3 ECTS to 6 ECTS depending on faculty and study program
Blended learning (Moodle)
Number of participants
Not limited


a. What is the program about?

“impACTup!: Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Better Futures” is a curricular course, anchored in various faculties at LMU Munich and offered in an on-demand online format via Moodle. A modular and interactive setup with short input sessions and interactive exercises will allow you to learn how to build better futures through innovating and entrepreneuring in a novel, exciting way. No prior knowledge is needed for this course. The kickoff and closing sessions are held live on-site with an in-person networking event.

By participating in this course, you will acquire essential skills and gain the ability to apply knowledge in the field of impact entrepreneurship. Below is a summary of the key subjects covered in this course. Facilitated by professors from multiple faculties at LMU Munich, University of Augsburg, and the CDTM, you will learn about impact as a guiding principle for entrepreneurship.

We discuss which stakeholders are important for entrepreneurs and how impact can be holistically achieved and measured. Thanks to interactive digital classes, you will learn how sustainable business models are developed, as well as how startups are financed and sustained in the long term. You will develop an impact-oriented mind- and skillset over the course duration, gain a new holistic perspective on value creation and destruction, be conscious of the value of impactful innovations and be able to translate theory into practice. The impact-oriented knowledge you will gain can not only be applied in your own field of study or in your professional career, but also in your daily life.The impACTup! basic course for students is offered to bachelor and master students every semester.

b. Benefits for the participants

This course will help you to:

  • Discover the power of innovative thinking and join our interdisciplinary lecture, led by esteemed professors from various faculties;
  • Develop an entrepreneurial skillset that drives sustainable innovations and leaves a lasting impact;
  • Understand the complex web of stakeholders and understand their pivotal role in entrepreneurial success;
  • Discover the art of presenting and measuring impact in a comprehensive manner;
  • Develop sustainable business models, secure funding for startups, and safeguard their long-term success;
  • Adopt an impact mindset, which will not only benefit your professional endeavors but also enhance your personal life.

c. Program goals

  • Understanding and awareness of entrepreneurship as an impact activity
  • Development of an impact mindset and skillset for self-sufficient (individual and collective) action
  • Providing tools for generating and implementing innovations


a. Requirements

This program is designed for students from all disciplines and faculties. There is no prior knowledge or specific skill set required to enroll.

b. Application process

Please find the course dates in LSF. Registration for the winterterm is required via “Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (VHB)”. You will be able to access with your LMU account. We will provide the link in short. For questions, please consult

Syllabus impACTup basic course


Yes, if your faculty has given approval for our program. Check our overview of LMU faculty approval.

Foundational course structure:

in total of three sections ⇒ Kick-off event + online Moodle course + closing event ⇒ Kick-off + closing event = in person ⇒ Moodle course = online on-demand

Yes. The completed Moodle course as well as your seminar thesis and poster are the most important factors in completing the course successfully.

Yes, you can receive 90 points for the module “Innovation in Action” within the LMU IEC Certificate.

Yes, you can. There are no attendance requirements. The completed Moodle course as well as your seminar thesis and poster are the most important factors in completing the course successfully.

You can receive any grade in between 1.0 and 4.0, depending on the quality of your final work. If you fail, you will receive 5.0.

Check your LMU faculty approval on our notion page.


© Muneeb

For questions:

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